A great time was had by ALL at our annualChristmas Dinner Dance party – just look atthe delicious cookies made by our members!
News &
NOTE: Listen to the Italian Connection Show Each Sunday 12 noon - 2 pm
. Saluti, Pat Saluti
IMPORTANT DATES / MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW!!!Feb. 01 - Blessed Virgin Mary Feb. 02 - Groundhog Day Feb. 03 - Council Mtg. 7 pm/Scopa 6 pm Feb. 07 - First Friday Feb. 10 -Scopa 6 pm Feb. 11 - Le Radici Bd. Mtg. 5:30 pm; Gen Mtg 7 pm Feb. 12 - Lincoln’s Birthday Feb. 13 - Wine Pairing 6:30 pm Feb. 14 - Wine Pairing 6:30 pm Feb. 17 - President’s Day/Scopa 6 pm Feb. 21 - Pasta Dinner 6 pm Feb. 22 - Washington’s BirthdayFeb. 22 - La Salsiccciata @ CarovilleseClubFEB BIRTHDAYS:BUON COMPLEANNO A TUTTI
Joe Pagano, our newest member of Le Radici as of Jan. 14, 2025
President’s MessageScopa has begun and has met twice already with another eight (8) weeks to go. Fun is being had by all participants who are eagerly awaiting who will prevail and be crowned the 2025 champion? I have been told that this year’s banquet will be even better with some surprises. The players meet here at our clubhouse every Monday evening at 6 pm until about March 24. Our first pasta dinner also was a success with about 46 people participants, who enjoyed a great pasta and meatball meal at a great price. The next one is scheduled for Feb 21st. Please turn in your RSVP to Virginia @ 330.990.6971, if you plan on attending since the seating will be limited to the first 50.Kim has scheduled a very fine wine pairing event to be held on Feb. 13 & 14 at 6:30 pm here at our clubhouse. This event will be conducted by the Tenuta Torciano Winery of Italy. If you are interested call Kim @ 330.352.4157 to reserve your spot for either night. Our final construction project in the kitchen will be completed by our next meeting date of Feb. 11. Tony R and Tony B. will be installing the kitchen splash wall tile. We have also received and installed the replacement cabinet doors and hinges.Stay warm during these cold winter months and try to not walk on any icy surfaces if you can help it.Saluti da, Pat
Note: Listen to the Italian Connection ShowEvery Sunday 12 noon - 2 pmClick on: Fifth Dimension Radio. Sunday 12 noon Or:Click on:Ciao USA; Ciao Radio Italia, St. Louis.After SundayAlso you can click above on the Podcastbanner and then choose the Italian Connection audio file you want to listen to. IMPORTANT DATES / MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW!!!Feb. 01 - Blessed Virgin Mary Feb. 02 - Groundhog Day Feb. 03 - Council Mtg. 7 pm/Scopa 6 pmFeb. 07 - First Friday Feb. 10 -Scopa 6 pm Feb. 11 - Le Radici Bd. Mtg. 5:30 pm; Gen Mtg 7 pmFeb. 13 - Wine Pairing 6:30 pm Feb. 14 - Wine Pairing 6:30 pm Feb. 17 - President’s Day/Scopa 6 pm Feb. 21 - Pasta Dinner 6 pmFeb. 22 - Washington’s Birthday/La SalsicciataFEB. BIRTHDAYS: BUON COMPLEANNO A TUTTI01 R. Signorino 02 L. Chiarappa 04 C. Wagner 11. M.. Altieri 18 F. Ziegler 23 R. Cruickshank -
President’s MessageScopa has begun and has met twice already with another eight (8) weeks to go. Fun is being had by all participants who are eagerly awaiting who will prevail and be crowned the 2025 champion? I have been told that this year’s banquet will be even better with some surprises. The players meet here at our clubhouse every Monday evening at 6 pm until about March 24. Our first pasta dinner also was a success with about 46 people participants, who enjoyed a great pasta and meatball meal at a great price. The next one is scheduled for Feb 21st. Please turn in your RSVP to Virginia @ 330.990.6971, if you plan on attending since the seating will be limited to the first 50.Kim has scheduled a very fine wine pairing event to be held on Feb. 13 & 14 at 6:30 pm here at our clubhouse. This event will be conducted by the Tenuta Torciano Winery of Italy. If you are interested call Kim @ 330.352.4157 to reserve your spot for either night. Our final construction project in the kitchen will be completed by our next meeting date of Feb.11. Tony R and Tony B. will be installing the kitchen splash wall tile. We have also received and installed the replacement cabinet doors and hinges.Stay warm during these cold winter months and try to not walk on any icy surfaces if you can help it.Saluti da, Pat
Joe Pagano, our newest member of Le Radici as of 01/14/25 to see more pictures.
2019 Summer Bocce ChampsEduardo and Maria Antonietta